Thursday 23 June 2016

Build Your Empire in London on UK Business Visa

Build Your Empire in London on UK Business Visa

Nowadays establishing a business in London is much easier and profitable. Moreover, UK government has come up with different opportunities for the entrepreneurs who wish to invest or start up a business in UK. To get a uk visa for business, first you need to make sure whether you qualify as per the UK business visa requirements. You need to be genuinely interested to make investment or start up a business in UK. Basically, such programs are initiated to support the economy and also to create employment opportunities.

In order to qualify for the business visa program, the applicant should have scored a minimum language proficiency points, invest minimum £50,000 , should have enough money to sustain while your business is establishing and should have the potential to build up a business in United Kingdom. Successful applicants can move to UK along with his/her family as a permanent resident and enjoy all the benefits.

Types of UK Business Visa:
Investor Visa:
This visa is for people who wish to stay in the UK and start own business and work in the limit of maintaining that business. Investor need to invest at least £2,000,000 or more investment funds to get this visa.
Entrepreneur Visa:
Entrepreneur visa is useful for those who wish to set up or run a business in the UK with lower amount to invest. To obtain Entrepreneur visa you must have access to at least £50,000 investment funds to apply for uk business visa.
Before applying for the UK Business visa, you should have decided whether you are investing into a business which is established in UK or setting up your own business and collect prerequisite requirements.
Pre-requisite for UK Business Visa:
  •  Passport and/or travel documents.
  • One passport-sized photograph.
  • Proof of minimum funds required to Invest
  • Bank statements of a latest 6 month.
  • Details about accommodation and travel.
  • Copy of the bio-metric Information.
Visa Application Process:
  • Fill out Application form
  • Schedule appointment and attend appointment
  • Submit Documents and Pay Visa Application Fees
  • Collect your visa with passport
Final Words:
If you are interested to migrate into United Kingdom apply for UK business visa and move to UK along with your family. will guide you in getting your business visa which will help you to setup business in UK. Initially, the consultants will conduct an assessment about your professional background, financial standings and what is your intention behind traveling to UK and accordingly, they will line up different options suitable for you. 

If you have any questions or queries about UK Visa, please feel free to contact us at

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